Cheylynda Barnard serves as the Councilmember for Moreno Valley District 4.

Cheylynda Barnard was raised in the Inland Empire and has called Moreno Valley home since 2005. She is a proven community leader with a track record of public service in our community. She was elected to the Moreno Valley City Council to represent the residents of District 4 in 2022.

She currently serves as the Executive Director of the University of California, Riverside Labor Center where she works to find new ways to help uplift the working class.

Cheylynda was a social worker with the Riverside County Department of Social Services for X years and served as Vice President of the Service Employee International Union, Local 721. As a County Social Worker, Barnard served in the Adult Protective Services Division for nine years, where she investigated allegations of abuse and neglect against seniors.

Cheylynda has a history of serving our community. She currently serves on the City of Moreno Valley Arts Commission where she advocates for the arts in Moreno Valley and on the Board of Directors of the Riverside Community Health Foundation, a leading local nonprofit that works to improve public health outcomes in the region.

Cheylynda lives in Moreno Valley with her husband, Jay, and their two children.

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